Sulfites and Preserving Food


When I first broke open the box of my precious dehydrator, I found a manila envelope labeled “sodium bisulfite”. I was completely new to the world of dehydrating and extremely paranoid due to severe food allergies in the home, so it took me about 7 seconds to toss it aside. I momentarily wondered — what exactly did that envelope hold? Was it that famous ‘sulphur’ additive known for causing food allergies? It didn’t matter. I was on a jerky mission and figured I would come back to that later.

Fast forward two years and I am finally moving beyond jerky and yogurt in the dehydrator. That little packet is still around, and I’m purging. Before tossing it, I decided to do a little digging and find out what exactly is in that envelope.

Want to know what I found out? Hop on over to GNOWFGLINS today for the rest of the story! And don’t forget to let me know what your thoughts are regarding sulfites.

Hope is contagious. Pass it on!

~ Nichole

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